Sunday morning started out like every Sunday should. With brunch.

Inspired by this recipe, we made BaconCakes. Sweet and salty and the perfect remedy for the previous night's antics.
The day was looking clear so we went out for a bit of a hike around Whale Cove. We left the house and headed out back, away from the town (really a hamlet).
If you hike up the rock behind Hailey's house you'll come to the Whale Tail of Whale Cove.
Stopping to test out Hail's new tripod...
watch the dogs scamper with their found bones...
and admire the great Hudson Bay.
We also picked wild cranberries. I had no idea cranberries grew in Nunavut but they do and they're delicious! It was almost hard to stop picking them because you knew you'd find another big bunch around the next rocky knoll.
The sky was turning grey and our hands getting cold so we stopped our gathering and continue the walk.
The sky in Nunavut is a wonder to me. I've been to place like Big Sky in Montana and the vibrant skies of the Caribbean but the sky in Whale Cove is beautiful in its own way. The colours seem bright and crisp even on grey days. And the way the sky meets the land or water has a way of making you feel very small in a big world - even in a town of 400 people.
The sky seemed to change with every snap. I hope the next time I visit I will get to experience the colours of the Northern Lights.
Our walk left us hungry so we whipped up a snack. Refueling on fresh-from-the-oven cranberry muffins and tea.
How good do those look?!
We spent the rest of the afternoon being cozy on the couch with lots of cuddles from the two pups.